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  • Q What kind of electrical appliances can the quasi-sine wave inverter be used for?

    Quasi-sine waves are also divided into several types, from square waves that are almost the same as square waves to rounded trapezoidal waves that are closer 
    to sine waves. We only discuss the square wave here, which is also the waveform that most of the current commercially available high-frequency inverters can 
    provide. This type of quasi-sine wave inverter can be used in notebook computers, televisions, combined audio, video cameras, digital cameras, printers, various 
    chargers, handheld brains, game consoles, video disc players, mobile DVDs, home therapy devices And so on, inverters with larger output power can also be 
    applied to small electric appliances such as hair dryers, electric cups, kitchen appliances and so on. But for inductive load appliances such as refrigerators, electric 
    drills, etc., it is not suitable to use a quasi-sine wave inverter for power supply for a long time. Otherwise, it may cause damage to the inverter and related 
    electrical products or shorten the expected service life.
  • Q What are the dangers of using inverters?

    The wire from the car battery to the inverter input carries a very large current. If the quality of the wire is poor, the wire is too thin or the load exceeds the 
    standard, the copper wire heats up and eventually catches fire, which will cause a serious accident. Therefore, during the use of the inverter, the operation 
    must be carried out in strict accordance with the provisions of the user manual.
  • Q What should I do if I want to use the inverter for a longer period of time without starting the engine?

    Prepare another battery with the same voltage, and connect its positive and negative poles with the positive and negative poles of the original car battery with 
    thick enough wires. In this way, the independent use time of the inverter can be greatly extended.
  • Q How should I connect the inverter to the power supply and load?

    Use electrical appliances below 150W to directly plug the 150W inverter plug into the cigarette lighter socket for use. The inverter over 150W is directly connected 
    to the battery through the alligator clip wire, the red wire is connected to the positive electrode of the battery, and the black wire is connected to the negative 
    electrode of the battery. The connection should be as short as possible, and the output cable of 220V AC should be longer.
  • Q What is continuous output power? What is peak output power?

    Some electric appliances or tools that use electric motors, such as refrigerators, washing machines, electric drills, etc., require a large amount of current to drive 
    them at the moment of starting. Once they are started successfully, only a small amount of current is required to maintain their normal operation. Therefore, 
    for the inverter, there is also the concept of continuous output power and peak output power. The continuous output power is the rated output power. 
    Generally, the peak output power is twice the rated output power. It must be emphasized that some electrical appliances, such as air conditioners and 
    refrigerators, have a starting current equivalent to 3-7 times the normal working current. Therefore, only the inverter that can meet the peak power of 
    the electrical appliance can work normally.
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